We encounter user interfaces everyday. Despite this, we still put up with badly designed interfaces that have been inherited through the digital era and not updated. ‘Copy and Paste’ is a prime example of this. We still copy over elements by accident because we simply cannot see what we have just copied. MIMO is a tool that shows you what has being copied while allowing you to copy multiple items at once. For every copy you make, MIMO also saves it in its integrated hard drive so that previous copies can be accessed and used on a different computer.
Simply highlight the text, image, file or link and slide up on the preferred slider and then this will appear in the software application(below) that pops up when something is copied and will float away if not used. Then click wherever the element is needed and slide down to paste.

By allowing users to obtain a history of multiple elements they’ve copied over time, MIMO changes the interaction of copying and pasting. The user can choose to create direct shortcuts to important information such as passwords.